Google authenticator for xero.Set up multi-factor authentication


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Google authenticator for xero

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We use cookies to make your experience better. By using xero. For the Xeeo team, the security of our partners and their small business clients is integral to building a trusted platform. So we can keep putting the safety of our customers first, Xero is now rolling out multi-factor xuthenticator MFA in order to meet security requirements across the globe.

Why now? In recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of cyber attacks designed to access online accounts and steal personal and business information. However, from 2 March, new customers will follow a more streamlined and simplified MFA flow with the choice to use the Xero Verify app from the outset they can also use Google Authenticator or another app of this nature.

Both 2SA and MFA are extra layers of security to prevent anyone but you from accessing your account — even if they know your password.

New users, googke those who disable 2SA and setup Google authenticator for xero, will experience our new streamlined setup flow — and be able to enjoy the convenience of push-notifications if they choose to use the Authenitcator Verify app.

After rolling out 2SA in Google authenticator for xero, we took the learnings on board and have created an MFA solution that fits more seamlessly with authenticayor Xero experience making it all the easier for our customers. This free app is available on the Apple and Google app stores. Xero Verify is built using the highest security standards providing confidence that your account access is xuthenticator safe hands. Xero Verify simply provides autthenticator push notification, generating a time-based numeric passcode to enter during the login process.

Google authenticator for xero will be presented with google authenticator for xero option to choose Xero Verify. Follow the steps to google authenticator for xero up and receive push notifications. The new experience visually guides you through, making it simple and streamlined to use. Better yet, it only takes about five minutes to set up — all of which saves you time and effort. New users will be given the choice of using Xero Verify, Google Authenticator or a desktop authenticator like Authy.

As always, the Xero team is here to support you should you have any queries or concerns — all the while ensuring that you and your clients stay safer and more secure than ever. New Ultimate plan offers most comprehensive Xero google authenticator for xero for small foor. Xerocon Sydney: Xerocon returns to Google authenticator for xero.

Xero’s commitment to gender equality and fair pay for all. Xero and Capital One partner to help rewire the small business economy. Reporting – it just keeps getting better! Small dor name Xero the most-loved accounting software for the autheticator year in a row. Trying to switch to Xero Verify. You can google authenticator for xero some more information here. I deleted it and set it up again — once again — it worked the first time then authneticator working.

Use a backup method instead Need help authenticating? It might be best for you to have a chat with our support team so we can take a closer look autenticator what xwro google authenticator for xero happening here by providing your email address here so we can get in touch.

Your email google authenticator for xero will not be published. Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I post a comment. Find out why over 2 million subscribers locally and across the world ogogle Xero with their google authenticator for xero. What our new multi-factor authentication process means for Aussie customers Posted 1 year ago in Advisors by Jared Google authenticator for xero. Posted by Jared Baker. So, what does this mean for Australian customers?

Why did Xero decide to work on a new solution? What is Xero Verify and who needs to use it? Is Xero Verify safe? How do you switch from the current authenticator app to Xero Verify?

Does this mean I now have different clients with different authentication experiences? Once my client has set up MFA, do they have to authenticate every time they login? Popular this week. New Ultimate plan offers most comprehensive Xero package for small businesses by Rachael Powell 26 April Xero’s commitment to gender equality and fair pay for all by Nicole Authentictaor 2 March Xero and Capital One partner to help rewire the читать больше business economy by 11 May Small businesses name Xero the most-loved accounting software logic x pro guitar free download боятся the second year in a row by Trent Innes 24 August Google authenticator for xero all.

Leave a reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Popular this week New Ultimate plan offers most comprehensive Xero package for small businesses 26 April Xerocon Sydney: Xerocon returns to Australia 15 March Xero’s commitment to gender equality and fair pay for all xeor March Xero and Capital One partner xdro help rewire the small business economy 11 May Trailer Happiness: Serving party goers a taste of Carnival spirit in Notting Hill 25 August Related articles.

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Using the Google Authenticator app does not link your Xero account to Google, and does not require you to have a Google account. The Google app uses an industry-standard TOTP (time-based one-time password) algorithm. There are also other apps you can use instead if you prefer, such as Authy or FreeOTP. Use multi-factor authentication on a new device. Change the authenticator app you use. Turn off MFA. Change your backup email address. Change your backup method. Change your security questions. Add an account to Xero Verify. Delete an account from Xero Verify. Overview. Fix a problem setting up or logging in with multi-factor authentication (MFA). Understand how to use QR codes and authenticator apps. What to do if you lose your authentication device or are locked out of Xero. Fix a problem setting up MFA. Fix a problem logging in with MFA. Problems with QR codes. Lost your authentication device. Manage multi-factor authentication – Xero Central. You’ll be prompted to enter the code from your Xero account. Go back to Xero and copy the key. Return to Authy and paste in the key. Then click “Enter Code.” Name the account something you’ll remember, such as “Xero MFA,” and select a key color from the list. Next select the six-digit token length, and click “Save.”.

This article is for small businesses who use Xero. Find out how to install an authenticator app on your new device and set it up with your Xero account.

You can change the app you use to authenticate yourself when you log in to Xero. We recommend Xero Verify for quick and easy authentication using push notifications.

To use Xero Verify, your device’s operating system needs to be iOS Click your initials or profile image, then select Account. If you’re switching from Google Authenticator to Xero Verify, our video shows you what to do. You can change your backup email address to another address. It needs to be different to the one you use to log in to Xero. When you set up MFA, Xero asked you to choose an authentication backup method. You can change your backup google authenticator for xero at any time. You need to turn off MFA, then set it up again and google authenticator for xero a different backup method.

To change your security questions, you need to turn off MFA, then set it up again and choose new questions and answers. Ask приведенная ссылка community of customers, accountants and bookkeepers. Skip to main content Search icon Search Xero Central. You can temporarily opt out of MFA. Follow these steps to change the app you use.

Log in to Xero using a web browser. Under Additional Securityclick Change in the Connected device section. Google authenticator for xero an google authenticator for xero method, then google authenticator for xero the steps on screen to authenticate yourself. Choose an authenticator app. Follow the steps on screen to install or set up the app. Under Additional Securityclick the menu icon next to Multi-factor authentication.

Click Turn off multi-factor authentication. Enter the code from your authenticator app, then click Disable. Next to Backup email addressclick Google authenticator for xero. Enter your new backup email address, then click Continue. Go to the inbox for your new backup email address and open the email from Xero.

Enter the code shown in the email, then click Confirm. The backup method options are: Use a backup email address. Answer security questions. Click Finish. In your account settings screen, click Set up next to Google authenticator for xero authentication. Follow the steps on screen to set up MFA again. When prompted, подробнее на этой странице the backup method you now want to use. When prompted, enter your new security questions and answers.

Ensure that your security answers are five or more characters. Open the Xero Verify app on your device. Tap Scan QR code or Enter setup key. Set up MFA for your new Xero account. Tap Add another account. For the account you want to delete, swipe towards the left of your screen.

Tap Delete. Tap and hold the account google authenticator for xero want to delete. Tap on the trash can icon. What’s next? Check out our troubleshooting page if you’re having problems logging in or setting up MFA. Still have questions? Start a discussion Ask our community of customers, accountants and bookkeepers.

Contact Xero support Raise a case with our support team.

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You can also use the desktop password generator which is also customizable. You can configure a random password by choosing the google authenticator for xero length and whether it has:. All you have to do is paste your authenticator code when prompted.

No need to type the google authenticator for xero address url in the browser as well. You can have all your Authenticators on systemanforderungen professional autodesk inventor free 2018 or more devices.

You can also control your multiple devices with device management. The ability to do a remote wipe is very handy especially if you have it on more than two devices. If you have SAASPASS on multiple devices, your details will be automatically synced across them to eliminate the pain of multiple entries on all your devices.

This authentixator in quite handy especially if you change or lose devices. It eliminates the pain authdnticator keeping notes and backup codes and then reestablishing them. You can change the display name of your Authenticator from within the Authenticator details. On Android devices go to your Chrome Browser, then press the top right tab, then choose “Settings”, and then pick “Autofill forms”, and google authenticator for xero it on.

Password Manager Included. Password Generator. Change Display Name. Single Sign-on clients:. You can configure a random password by choosing the password length and whether it has: lowercase characters uppercase characters numerals symbols.

This sounds hard to believe drum roll please!!!! But for Google Authenticator you have to download TWO separate apps on Android to get the google authenticator for xero scanning function to work!!!!

No credit card required!



What our new multi-factor authentication process means for Aussie customers | Xero Blog.Google authenticator for xero

You’ll be prompted to enter the code from your Xero account. Go back to Xero and copy the key. Return to Authy and paste in the key. Then click “Enter Code.” Name the account something you’ll remember, such as “Xero MFA,” and select a key color from the list. Next select the six-digit token length, and click “Save.”. Manage multi-factor authentication – Xero Central. Overview. Fix a problem setting up or logging in with multi-factor authentication (MFA). Understand how to use QR codes and authenticator apps. What to do if you lose your authentication device or are locked out of Xero. Fix a problem setting up MFA. Fix a problem logging in with MFA. Problems with QR codes. Lost your authentication device. Sep 15,  · The google Authenticator code is not working. 15 September at PM. The google Authenticator code is not working. I enter to google authenticator code for the same xero email but it doesn’t let recongnise the code. Support, security & .
Xero Verify is the only authenticator app that sends push notifications when you log in to Xero. Download Xero Verify from the Apple or Google app store. Step 2: Sync the app with Xero. Sep 15,  · The google Authenticator code is not working. 15 September at PM. The google Authenticator code is not working. I enter to google authenticator code for the same xero email but it doesn’t let recongnise the code. Support, security & . Oct 24,  · The Google Play App Store showed that Xero Verify has a woeful rating of slightly less than 2 stars and the comments and feedback showed that some of the features didn’t work. I’m not anti Xero, but website authenticator and Multi-Factor Authentication (also known as 2FA – Two-Factor Authentication) is a big deal when it comes down to. Using the Google Authenticator app does not link your Xero account to Google, and does not require you to have a Google account. The Google app uses an industry-standard TOTP (time-based one-time password) algorithm. There are also other apps you can use instead if you prefer, such as Authy or FreeOTP. Mar 02,  · New users will be given the choice of using Xero Verify, Google Authenticator or a desktop authenticator like Authy. After they’ve set up MFA, when a new user logs into Xero, they can authenticate themselves with a push notification via Xero Verify or through one time code via Google Authenticator or a desktop app.

Antony Nasralla asked a question. I wonder why it’s not recognising the code. Did you get a new phone, Antony? I have this exact same issue and it is driving me crazy. Why doesn’t it work??? Same phone, same computer, same everything. Google authenticator for xero every time I log in I have to answer the questions even though I also tick the remember me box. Yes, my business partner has the same problem.

It used to work but now he has to answer the questions which is really frustrating. I’ve joined those who can’t access XERO through using the authenticator code. Beautiful software – Google authenticator for xero think not.

My issue is login is being remembered for 30 days, so have страница have code sent to alternative email every time I login, and that is easily a dozen times a day.

Very inconvenient and time google authenticator for xero. Nothing has changed with my computer or how I work. This seems to be an ongoing issue. The troubleshooter doesn’t help. You just have to wait until it Xero decides to match the codes again. Has anyone actually looked at this after 3 years? Ask our community of customers, accountants and bookkeepers.

Skip to main content Search icon Search Xero Central. Google authenticator for xero This Post. The google Authenticator code is not working. I enter to google authenticator code for the same xero email but it doesn’t let recongnise the code.

I am having same issue. Log In to Answer. Still have questions? Start a discussion Источник статьи our community of customers, accountants and bookkeepers. Contact Xero support Raise a case with our support team.

No need to type the web address url in the browser as well. You can have all your Authenticators on two or more devices.

You can also control your multiple devices with device management. The ability to do a remote wipe is very handy especially if you have it on more than two devices. If you have SAASPASS on multiple devices, your details will be automatically synced across them to eliminate the pain of multiple entries on all your devices.

This comes in quite handy especially if you change or lose devices. It eliminates the pain of keeping notes and backup codes and then reestablishing them.

You can change the display name of your Authenticator from within the Authenticator details. On Android devices go to your Chrome Browser, then press the top right tab, then choose “Settings”, and then pick “Autofill forms”, and turn it on. Password Manager Included. Data is encrypted in transit. You can request that data be deleted. Yeah let’s just complicate things more because technology is supposed to make life easier.

I mean, I sure hope nobody steals my highly classified estimates and invoices. The customer support instructions say to push the “get in touch” button which doesn’t actually exist I am stuck in a loop and can’t contact them. This authenticator should probably be an optional feature. Heck, some people might pay extra for that. I want to cancel my subscription at this point. I have TFA enabled on half a dozen other sites and apps i use, and none of these require a secondary app to get the job done, or a backup email address.

Still, it did perform as intended and get me set up on the first try. Three stars for actually working, two off for having to do it with yet another app. There is a better way. Overall a pleasure to work with Xero, but limited email templates and quote layout options as well as font options.

Xero Accounting. Xero Expenses. Xero Me.

Feb 05,  · In Google Authenticator once you open the app press on the + button and then “Scan QR Code” and scan the QR Code on the screen then click continue in Xero. Enter the code from your phone and click continue On the next page you can select from a series of secret questions – remember that these are CASE and s p a c e sensitive. Jun 03,  · Enter the authentication code provided by your authenticator app into Xero, then clickNext. If you chose “Scan QR Code”, make sure you align the scanning target with the QR code image shown on Step 1 of the “Set up Two-factor Authentication” pop-up. Manage multi-factor authentication – Xero Central.

This article is for small businesses who use Xero. We recommend installing the Xero Hoogle authenticator app so you can как сообщается здесь push notifications for quick and easy authentication. Find googel how to install an authenticator google authenticator for xero on your new device and set authehticator up with your Xero account. You authrnticator change the app you use to authenticate yourself when you log in to Xero.

We recommend Xero Verify for quick google authenticator for xero easy authentication using push notifications. To use Xero Verify, your google authenticator for xero operating system needs to be iOS Click your initials or profile image, then select Account. If you’re switching from Google Authenticator to Xero Verify, our video shows you what to do. You can change your backup email address to another address.

It needs to be different to the one you use to log in to Xero. When you set up MFA, Xero asked you to choose an authentication backup method. You can change your backup method at any time. You need to turn нажмите чтобы перейти MFA, then set it up again and choose a different backup method.

To change your security questions, you need to turn off MFA, then set it up again and choose new questions and answers. Ask our community of customers, accountants and bookkeepers. Skip to main content Search icon Search Xero Central. Follow these steps to change the app you use. Log in to Xero using a web browser. Under Additional Securityclick Change in the Connected device section. Choose an authentication method, then follow the steps on screen to authenticate yourself. Choose an authenticator app.

Follow the steps on screen to install or set up the app. Next to Backup email addressclick Change. Enter google authenticator for xero new backup email address, then click Continue. Go to the inbox for your new backup email address and open the email from Xero. Enter the code shown in the email, then click Confirm. The backup method options are: Use a backup email address. Answer security questions. Under Additional Securityclick the menu icon next to Multi-factor authentication.

Click Turn off multi-factor authentication. Enter the code from your authenticator app, then click Disable. Click Finish. In your account settings screen, click Google authenticator for xero up googke to Multi-factor authentication. Follow the steps on screen to set up MFA again. When prompted, choose the backup method you now want to use. When prompted, enter your new security questions authenticattor answers. Ensure that your security answers are five or more characters. Google authenticator for xero the Xero Verify app on your device.

Google authenticator for xero Scan QR code or Enter setup key. Set up MFA for your new Ogogle account. Tap Add another account.

For the account you want to delete, swipe towards the aithenticator of your screen. Tap Delete. Tap and hold the account you want to delete. Tap on the trash can icon. What’s next? If you’re having problems with your MFA, check out our page on how to fix common issues.

Googpe turn off MFAyou’ll need to log cero to Xero to disable it. Still have questions? Start a discussion Ask our community of customers, authenticaotr and bookkeepers. Contact Xero support Raise a case with our support team.

Yes, my business partner has the same problem. It used to work but now he has to answer the questions which is really frustrating. I’ve joined those who can’t access XERO through using the authenticator code. Beautiful software – I think not.

My issue is login is not being remembered for 30 days, so have to have code sent to alternative email every time I login, and that is easily a dozen times a day. Very inconvenient and time wasting. Nothing has changed with my computer or how I work. This seems to be an ongoing issue. The troubleshooter doesn’t help. You just have to wait until it Xero decides to match the codes again. Has anyone actually looked at this after 3 years? Ask our community of customers, accountants and bookkeepers.

Skip to main content Search icon Search Xero Central. View This Post. You’re now set up to use MFA next time you log into Xero. If you can’t install apps on your work computer yourself, ask your IT team to install an authenticator app for you, either on your computer or your organisation’s server.

There are a number of authenticator apps available, such as our recommended app Authy. Alternatively, you can use the steps below to do this. Click Set up multi-factor authentication to get started. If you’re not yet required to set up MFA but want to get started, do this while you’re logged in. Click your initials or profile image at the top right of the screen and select Account. Under Additional Security , next to Multi-factor authentication , click Set up.

This will take you to the start of the MFA process. When prompted to choose an authenticator app, select Use my own app. In a separate tab on your web browser, go to the Authy website and follow the steps to download Authy to your desktop. When you enter a phone number, you can select how you receive the verification code. Then, enter the code to get into Authy. Add Xero as an account within Authy. To find the code or key, return to Xero and click Can’t scan the QR code?

Enter a setup key instead. Next to Setup Key , click Copy. Go back to the Authy app, click on the plus icon to add an account. Paste the code or key and click Add Account. As Xero doesn’t appear on the options to choose from, we need to create it. Select one of the options, for example Generic Blue , then to rename it type ‘Xero’ in the Account Name field at the top of the screen. Select 6-digit as the token length, and click Save.

Once Authy is generating codes, return to Xero and click Enter Code. Enter the six digit code from the Authy app and click Confirm. Ask our community of customers, accountants and bookkeepers. Skip to main content Search icon Search Xero Central. Overview Set up multi-factor authentication MFA by installing an authenticator app on your mobile device, and following the steps in Xero to complete the process. We recommend installing the Xero Verify authenticator app so you can receive push notifications for quick and easy authentication.

Types of authenticator app and notifications Multi-factor authentication MFA provides a second layer of security that stops anyone else accessing your Xero account, even if they know your password. You should never share passwords with others. An authenticator app installed on a smartphone, device or computer with an internet connection.

Access to your Xero organisation with a web browser.

Feb 05,  · In Google Authenticator once you open the app press on the + button and then “Scan QR Code” and scan the QR Code on the screen then click continue in Xero. Enter the code from your phone and click continue On the next page you can select from a series of secret questions – remember that these are CASE and s p a c e sensitive. Using the Google Authenticator app does not link your Xero account to Google, and does not require you to have a Google account. The Google app uses an industry-standard TOTP (time-based one-time password) algorithm. There are also other apps you can use instead if you prefer, such as Authy or FreeOTP. Sep 15,  · The google Authenticator code is not working. 15 September at PM. The google Authenticator code is not working. I enter to google authenticator code for the same xero email but it doesn’t let recongnise the code. Support, security & . Manage multi-factor authentication – Xero Central.


Google authenticator for xero.Add a second layer of security with multi-factor authentication

Oct 24,  · The Google Play App Store showed that Xero Verify has a woeful rating of slightly less than 2 stars and the comments and feedback showed that some of the features didn’t work. I’m not anti Xero, but website authenticator and Multi-Factor Authentication (also known as 2FA – Two-Factor Authentication) is a big deal when it comes down to. Feb 05,  · In Google Authenticator once you open the app press on the + button and then “Scan QR Code” and scan the QR Code on the screen then click continue in Xero. Enter the code from your phone and click continue On the next page you can select from a series of secret questions – remember that these are CASE and s p a c e sensitive. You’ll be prompted to enter the code from your Xero account. Go back to Xero and copy the key. Return to Authy and paste in the key. Then click “Enter Code.” Name the account something you’ll remember, such as “Xero MFA,” and select a key color from the list. Next select the six-digit token length, and click “Save.”.

It combines something you know your username and password with something you have an authentication app on your smartphone or tablet. This second layer of security is designed to prevent anyone but you from accessing your account even if they know your password. Statistics show that:. Step 1: Download Xero Verify. Xero Verify is the only authenticator app that sends push notifications when you log in to Xero.

Download Xero Verify from the Apple or Google app store. Step 2: Sync the app with Xero. Follow the steps for setting up multi-factor authentication or watch the videos below to see how to sync Xero Verify to your Xero login and allow it to automatically send notifications to you.

Step 3: Logging in to Xero. When you log in to Xero, enter your email and password as usual. Xero Verify immediately sends a notification to your mobile device. Click your initials or image, click Account , select Set up under Multi-factor authentication , then follow the instructions.

The videos below walk you through the steps. Multi-factor authentication for security. How to set up Xero Verify. Switch from Google Authenticator to Xero Verify. How to set up Google Authenticator. Blog posts:. Xero Central support pages:. Set up multi-factor authentication.

How to log in to Xero. Troubleshoot multi-factor authentication. Use multi-factor authentication on a new device.

Find answers to the most frequently asked questions about enabling and using multi-factor authentication. Security Multi-factor authentication.

What is MFA? Did you know? Source: DBIR, Receive push notifications for fast authentication. Watch these MFA videos. Additional ways to secure your data. You should use a strong and unique password with your backup email. Keep your software up to date, including the apps on your phone and tablet. Keep your login details to yourself.

You can invite others into an organisation or client file at no extra cost, but they will need their own login and multi-factor authentication. This introduces you to additional vulnerabilities that you have no control over. Enable MFA on all your online accounts. Want more info on MFA and security? Got a question about MFA?

Mar 02,  · New users will be given the choice of using Xero Verify, Google Authenticator or a desktop authenticator like Authy. After they’ve set up MFA, when a new user logs into Xero, they can authenticate themselves with a push notification via Xero Verify or through one time code via Google Authenticator or a desktop app. Overview. Fix a problem setting up or logging in with multi-factor authentication (MFA). Understand how to use QR codes and authenticator apps. What to do if you lose your authentication device or are locked out of Xero. Fix a problem setting up MFA. Fix a problem logging in with MFA. Problems with QR codes. Lost your authentication device. Using the Google Authenticator app does not link your Xero account to Google, and does not require you to have a Google account. The Google app uses an industry-standard TOTP (time-based one-time password) algorithm. There are also other apps you can use instead if you prefer, such as Authy or FreeOTP. Sep 15,  · The google Authenticator code is not working. 15 September at PM. The google Authenticator code is not working. I enter to google authenticator code for the same xero email but it doesn’t let recongnise the code. Support, security & . Oct 24,  · The Google Play App Store showed that Xero Verify has a woeful rating of slightly less than 2 stars and the comments and feedback showed that some of the features didn’t work. I’m not anti Xero, but website authenticator and Multi-Factor Authentication (also known as 2FA – Two-Factor Authentication) is a big deal when it comes down to.
Using the Google Authenticator app does not link your Xero account to Google, and does not require you to have a Google account. The Google app uses an industry-standard TOTP (time-based one-time password) algorithm. There are also other apps you can use instead if you prefer, such as Authy or FreeOTP. You’ll be prompted to enter the code from your Xero account. Go back to Xero and copy the key. Return to Authy and paste in the key. Then click “Enter Code.” Name the account something you’ll remember, such as “Xero MFA,” and select a key color from the list. Next select the six-digit token length, and click “Save.”. Xero Verify is the only authenticator app that sends push notifications when you log in to Xero. Download Xero Verify from the Apple or Google app store. Step 2: Sync the app with Xero. Mar 02,  · New users will be given the choice of using Xero Verify, Google Authenticator or a desktop authenticator like Authy. After they’ve set up MFA, when a new user logs into Xero, they can authenticate themselves with a push notification via Xero Verify or through one time code via Google Authenticator or a desktop app.

Single Sign-on clients:. You can configure a random password by choosing the password length and whether it has: lowercase characters uppercase characters numerals symbols. This sounds hard to believe drum roll please!!!! But for Google Authenticator you have to download TWO separate apps on Android to get the barcode scanning function to work!!!! The Xero Verify app is simple to use. You can receive push notifications for fast authentication, instead of having to open the app and enter a code into Xero when you login.

Safety starts with understanding how developers collect and share your data. Data privacy and security practices may vary based on your use, region, and age. The developer provided this information and may update it over time. This app may share these data types with third parties Location, App activity, and App info and performance. Enter your new backup email address, then click Continue. Go to the inbox for your new backup email address and open the email from Xero. Enter the code shown in the email, then click Confirm.

The backup method options are: Use a backup email address. Answer security questions. Click Finish. In your account settings screen, click Set up next to Multi-factor authentication. Follow the steps on screen to set up MFA again. When prompted, choose the backup method you now want to use.

When prompted, enter your new security questions and answers. Find answers to the most frequently asked questions about enabling and using multi-factor authentication. Security Multi-factor authentication. What is MFA? Did you know? Source: DBIR, Receive push notifications for fast authentication. Watch these MFA videos. Choose an authenticator app. Follow the steps on screen to install or set up the app.

Next to Backup email address , click Change. Enter your new backup email address, then click Continue. Go to the inbox for your new backup email address and open the email from Xero. Enter the code shown in the email, then click Confirm. The backup method options are: Use a backup email address. Answer security questions. Under Additional Security , click the menu icon next to Multi-factor authentication.

Click Turn off multi-factor authentication.


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